
December 22(Sunday) , 2024

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Regulated power supply daily maintenance

發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2010/02/24 人氣 :9957

·Regulated power supply daily maintenance

1, regulated power supply should be placed in ventilated, dry, non-direct sunlight, non-corrosive gases indoor;

2, regulated power supply should be greater than the total electrical power;

3, regulated power supply switches are not suitable for electrical master switch. First open the power supply switch, wait until the power output, and then from small to large (by power meter)connect to different use of electrical appliances; turn off from the large to small; finally switch off power supply;

4, regulated power supply switch should not be open frequently, each open interval should be more than 10 seconds, otherwise, could easily lead to wrong power supply protection, and even damage.


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